Openstack - nova live migration - Live Migration failure: operation failed xxxx : Connection refused
今天我們以cmd的方式進行live migration(我們這邊是用ceph rbd當作instance的backend storage)
$ nova live-migration instance-id compute-hostname
# 結果檢查nova-compute.log的時候出現了
Live Migration failure: operation failed: Failed to connect to remote libvirt URI qemu+tcp://compute-hostname/system: unable to connect to server at 'compute-hostname:16509': Connection refused
# 這時請修改libvirt的相關conf參數
$ vim /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
listen_tls = 0
listen_tcp = 1
auth_tcp = "none"
$ vim /etc/default/libvirt-bin
libvirtd_opts=" -d -l"
# 重啟libvirt服務
$ restart libvirt-bin
# 這樣應該就可以正常了
$ nova live-migration instance-id compute-hostname